I can't remember if I put in my last post the fact that I wanted to try to keep my blog updated weekly. Whether I did or didn't that is my intention and I can now say that I have been successful for 2 weeks.
Nothing ground breaking to report. I started a new semester of clinical rotations. Over the next 12 weeks I will do 3 rotations, 4 weeks each, which are collectively known as my ambulatory block. The first of the 3, which I started yesterday, is outpatient internal medicine and I am doing it here in Iowa City. Then, in February, I will go to Davenport for a month for Community Based Medicine. Finally, in March I will do Family Medicine in Hiawatha.
Enough about ridiculus school stuff. Brian and Cara took Kyle and I out to try skate skiing today. It was a blast. It is very different from classicing. I fell down a lot and was pretty slow, but I could feel when I was doing it right and when I was doing it wrong...so now all I need to more practice. Brian is a great teacher...He doesn't give himself nearly enough credit. We really appreciated his help today!
In cycling news, there was a WOW meeting at Hopson's house on Monday. It went great and the idea of more Iowa City women racing seems like more of a reality and less of a dream. In other cycling new, I'm still not riding my bike. :(
Thanks for checking in!