This past weekend Kyle and I drove up to Wisconsin once again for a WORS mountain bike race. There was an Iowa mountain bike race this weekend that we would have done, but with the summer quickly coming to an end, we wanted to at least one more race up here. Like the Lake Geneva race, this course was at a downhill ski area, but this course had far less single track. We got there so early on Saturday, registration had not even opened yet. So we got dressed and got the bikes down and ready to ride. By then, registration was open and we got that taken care of. We realized quickly during our first lap that the course was very demanding from the start. After snaking around by the campgrounds, you start up the side of a hill which included about 4-5 switchbacks. Then into the woods, where you go up and up and up. From here you pop out of the single track at the top of the ski hill. Eventually, you head back into some single track which is downhill and somewhat dangerous at speed owing to rocks in the middle of the trail and the trees that hug the trail. At the bottom of this single track you pretty much do a 180 and head back up the hill on single track that runs right next to the trail you just finished. At the top, they have you ride around sort of up and down a bit, until finally you head straight down the side of the ski hill into a huge, overgrown grass area. The second half of the course weaves in and out of this tall grass with short, fast climbs and descents. We did 2 laps on the course, then set up our campsite. After that it was time for dinner and then we vegged out in the tent reading until it was time for bed.
I was not sure who to expect at the start line the next morning. The 50 mile Ore to Shore mountain bike race on Michigan's upper peninsula was on Saturday, so I assumed (incorrectly of course) that the ladies doing that race would not be back for the WORS race. Not only were Abby, Sarah, Murphykate, Lisa, and others at the start line on Sunday after completing the race on Saturday, but Chloe Forsman the current U23 mountain bike champion was also there. Who knew? Anyway, I had told myself that I needed to chill from the start and let someone else push the pace and for once, I actually did that. Chloe took off with Abby on her wheel, while Lisa, me and Holly fell in behind. We pretty much stayed in this order as we climbed the switchbacks and the single track. As we popped out of the single track, Chloe took off, but was quickly sidelined when her rear hub seized up. I continued to follow Lisa until I had gained my composure and then I went around her. Abby had gotten ahead of us by quite a bit. So I just put my head down and decided to ride smart. I pushed myself when I could and eased up a bit on the really tough parts of the climbs. I never caught Abby even though I gained time on her in the last 2 laps and finished just 54 seconds behind her. Needless to say, I was very happy with my finish.
Up next...my 10 year high school reunion on Saturday and then on to Colorado!
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